Engine start from an auxiliary source. BMW the 5th E28/E34 series (from 1981 to 1993 of release)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 to 1993
1. Cars of the BMW brand of 5-series
1.1. General characteristic
1.1.1. Introduction
1.1.2. Identification numbers of the car
1.1.3. Working conditions and tools
1.1.4. Poddomkrachivaniye, towage and change of wheels
1.1.5. Acquisition of spare parts
1.1.6. Engine start from an auxiliary source
1.1.7. System of protection of an audiosystem from theft and language of an instrument guard
2. Engine
3. Cooling system
4. Power supply system
5. Ignition system
6. Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
7. System of production of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. Manual box of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic transmission (AT)
10. Transmission line
11. Steering and suspension bracket
12. Brake system
13. Body
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and air conditioner
16. System of onboard electric equipment
17. Routine maintenance of the car
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and operation receptions
21. System of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions


1.1.6. Engine start from an auxiliary source

Engine start from the auxiliary power supply will help you to overcome difficulty, but you should find out and eliminate first of all the reason which has led to a discharge of the battery. There are three possible reasons:

  1. The battery sat down as a result of often repeating attempts of start of the engine or as a result of leaving included lighting devices for a long time.
  2. Incorrectly the charge system (weakened or the driving belt of the generator is torn off, conducting of the generator is damaged or the generator does not work) functions.
  3. The battery (low level of electrolit, expired battery service life) is faulty.

 At car start from an auxiliary source it is necessary to observe the following precautionary measures:

  • Before connection of the auxiliary battery make sure that ignition is switched off.
  • Make sure that all electric loadings (lighting devices, a heater, screen wipers, etc.) are disconnected
  • Make sure that the auxiliary battery has the same rated voltage, as sat down in the car.
  • If start is made from the battery established on other car, cases of both NOT cars SHOULD HAVE a common ground.
  • Make sure that transmission is in neutral situation (or in the situation "P" in case of AT).



  1. Connect one end of a red wire from a set for car start from an external source to positive () the plug of the sat-down battery.
  2. Connect other end of a red wire to positive () the plug of the auxiliary battery.
  3. Connect the end of a black wire from a set to the negative (-) the plug of the auxiliary battery.
  4. Connect other end of a black wire to a bolt or an arm of the block of the engine of the faulty car, rather remote from a battery installation site.
  5. Make sure that wires do not concern blades of the fan, driving belts or other moving elements in an impellent compartment.
  6. Start the engine from the auxiliary battery, then, having left it working at single turns, disconnect wires, operating in sequence, return to their accession.

Connect wires from a set for car start from the auxiliary power supply in an order shown in drawing (pay attention that the negative wire of NOT auxiliary battery is attached to the negative plug of the sat-down battery).

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1.1.5. Acquisition of spare parts
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1.1.7. System of protection of an audiosystem from theft and language of an instrument guard