Description and check of work of a control system by speed (темпостата). BMW the 5th E28/E34 series (from 1981 to 1993 of release)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 to 1993
1. Cars of the BMW brand of 5-series
2. Engine
3. Cooling system
4. Power supply system
5. Ignition system
6. Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
7. System of production of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. Manual box of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic transmission (AT)
10. Transmission line
11. Steering and suspension bracket
12. Brake system
13. Body
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and air conditioner
16. System of onboard electric equipment
16.1. General information
16.2. The general information on search of malfunctions in electric chains
16.3. Removal and installation of the storage battery
16.4. Check of a condition and replacement of wires of the battery
16.5. General information on safety locks
16.6. General information on the relay
16.7. General information about charge and precautionary measure system at work with it
16.8. Check of system of a charge
16.9. Removal and generator installation
16.10. Replacement of a regulator of tension
16.11. Check and replacement of brushes of the generator
16.12. General information about system of start of the engine and a precautionary measure
16.13. Starter check on the car
16.14. Removal and starter installation
16.15. Removal and installation of the traction relay
16.16. Check and replacement of breakers of indexes of turn and alarm system
16.17. Removal and installation of switches on a steering column
16.18. Removal and installation of the lock of ignition
16.19. Removal and radio receiver installation
16.20. Removal and aerial installation
16.21. Removal and installation of components of an instrument guard
16.22. General information on the panel of alarm lamps of a reminder on term of service (SI)
16.23. Replacement of lamps in head headlights
16.24. Adjustment of a beam of head headlights
16.25. Removal and installation of the case of a head headlight
16.26. Replacement of lamps
16.27. Removal and installation of the motor of a screen wiper of windscreen / glass of a door of a back
16.28. Check of work and repair of a heater of back glass
16.29. General information on auxiliary system of safety (SRS)
16.30. Description and check of work of a control system by speed (темпостата)
16.31. Description and check of work of system of the central blocking of doors
16.32. Description and check of work of system of electric window regulators
16.33. Diagnostics of malfunctions of a suspension bracket of back wheels
17. Routine maintenance of the car
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and operation receptions
21. System of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions

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16.30. Description and check of work of a control system by speed (темпостата)

The control system of speed (темпостат or cruise control) supports speed of the car by means of the vacuum servomotor located in an impellent compartment which a cable incorporates to draft of the throttle valve. The system consists of the servomotor, the switch of coupling, the switch of a pedal of a brake, control switches, the relay and vacuum hoses.

In connection with complexity of a control system in the speed should provide its repair the dealer office of service. However the house mechanic can make simple checks of conducting and vacuum connections on existence of small damages which can be easily eliminated. Such checks treat:

  • Survey of aktivatorny switches of a control system by speed about damage of wires and weakening of contacts.
  • Check of safety locks of system
  • The control system of speed works at vacuum therefore it is critical, that all vacuum switches, hoses and connections worked reliably. Check hoses in an impellent compartment on weakening of connections, existence of cracks or obvious leakages of vacuum.

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16.29. General information on auxiliary system of safety (SRS)
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16.31. Description and check of work of system of the central blocking of doors