Система of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and коды of malfunctions. BMW the 5th E28 / E34 series (from 1981 т. 1993 of релиз)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 т. 1993
1. Автомобили of the пожар BMW of 5-series
2. Ядро
3. Cooling система
4. Сила supply систему
5. Ignition система
6. Control системы of the ядро and decrease в toxicity of the fulfilled газа
7. Система of production of the fulfilled газа
8. Coupling
9. Справочник боксируй of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic трансмиссия (AT)
10. Трансмиссия Лину
11. Проверили бы Steering and временное прекращение
12. Жердь систему
13. Body
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and поведение conditioner
16. Система of onboard electric оборудование
17. Навык maintenance of the автомобиль
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and операция receptions
21. Система of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and коды of malfunctions


21. Система of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and коды of malfunctions

Data on diagnostic устройства

Проверка of serviceability of functioning of components of системы of injection and decrease в toxicity of the fulfilled газа is личинку by means of a универсально цифровым образом measuring инструмент (мультиметр) (see в иллюстрации below). Use of a цифровым образом measuring инструмент preferably for several reasons. Вершина, on аналогично устройства it is rather difficult (sometimes, it is невозможный), тонны define result of the indication тонна within the 100-th and thousand Share while at inspection of the contours including в the structure electronic components, ищи accuracy takes on специально significance. The second, the reason действовал fact is less важно действовал the internal contour of a цифровым образом мультиметр, has rather high impedance (internal resistance of the устройство makes 10 омов Мег). Ас the вольтметры is connected тонна a checked chain в параллельно, accuracy of measurement by действовал is higher, than the smaller current хочет подходи through actually устройство. This factor is существенно at measurement of rather high values of напряжение (9÷12 В), however there is defining at diagnostics of элемента giving low-voltage сигнал вне моды, ищи, ас, for example, a ламбду репетировал бы where it is a question of measurement of Share of вольт.

Параллельно супервидение of параметра of сигнала, resistance and напряжение во всей роще К of менеджмент is possible by means of a осколок included consistently в the socket of the control unit by the ядро. Thus on the Off switched, working ядро or during автомобиль movement, measurement of параметра of сигнала on осколок plugs from what the conclusion about possible defects is drawn is личинку.

Use at diagnostics of considered системы of a цифровым образом мультиметр with a high impedance essentially increases accuracy of личинку measurements

Специально diagnostic сканера or BMW РЕ ДИЕЗ, MoDIC тестера can applied тонна diagnostics of electronic системы of the ядро, automatic трансмиссию, противоблокировочное устройство, SRS (programmed from ПК). Besides, it is possible тонны apply сканера and specialized diagnostic analyzers тонна this чистую позу, for example CS 1000, техника фирмы Бош FSA 560, KTS 300 (МОЛОТ), Sun в 2013, or the ordinary персональное компьютер with the специально адаптеры, a cable and the established проскорбь браузер OBD (for example, the проскорбь ESI техники фирмы Бош [tronic] в Russian, the автомобиль сканер проскорбь.

The универсально K Лину л адаптер, serves for coordination of сигнала of RS-232 port and ISO-9141 (K Лина) and интерфейсы ALDL. The various cables necessary for diagnostics of concrete make of the автомобиль can connected тонна sockets of the адаптеры. The switches established в the адаптеры and элемента of indication allow тонна choose necessary operating modes and approximately тонна estimate work of target Лины. Так, the luminescence of a green light-emitting диод with Лину л marking, testifies тонну connection of the Лину л with the автомобиль case. The luminescence of a red light-emitting диод with marking of K Лину indicates high потенциал which blinking of indicators is present during this момент on K.Pri's Лины of the established communication with the автомобиль can imperceptible for в eye because of high скорость of в обмене. Connection тонна the компьютеров is личинку directly тонна the 25-contact COM port or with the help "RS-232 25 cable Kont. - 9 Kont." в a 9-contact CATFISH port.

Some сканер, besides usual operations of diagnostics, allow, at connection with the персональное компьютеры, тонны нескладывай being stored в память of the control unit schematic скорби диапозитива of electric оборудование (ИФ ары put), тонна проскорби anticreeping систему, тонну observe сигнала в автомобиле рощи К в реально назначила бы время.

For diagnostics of your автомобиль you can загрузку the франко версию of a браузер of ОБД II from a сайт www.arus.spb.ru.

Справочник сканера MoDIC, KTS 300 (техника фирмы Бош) or the персональное компьютеры can applied тонна diagnostics of electronic control by системы of the автомобиль.

The адаптеры for coordination of Лины К and л of diagnostics with ПК COM port

Reading written в памяти of систему of self-diagnostics of коды of malfunctions on some модель can личинку on the indicator "проверяй the ядро" on a control panel.

ПК connection for автомобиль diagnostics

Firm ToolRama, Inc устройства can applied тонна diagnostics, for example. (В 3500 NW Boca Raton Blvd., Boca Raton, Флорида, 33 431, США 1 877 866 5726-561 750 4511-561 338 8447 ПОСЫЛАЙ ПО ФАКСУ) with катриджи for a certain модель of the автомобиль.

Все катриджи for a тестер can used and в the сканеры. Thus functions хочет общества с ограниченной ответственностью only тонна reading and память cleaning.

  • R000 тестер with катридж Т051A (B or C) or the P000 сканер with катридж Т041,
  • универсально cable of N000,
  • N001 socket.

The сканеры only reads вне моды the malfunctions brought память and clears память of malfunctions. The тестер в сложении can make active and шоу the current data.

The катридж of стопку бумаги автомобиля ОБД II вне моды the following functions:

  • Reading and removal of коды of malfunctions of ОБД II. Reflection of results of тесты of the сенсор of oxygen.
  • Continuous control of системы of ignition, injection and components.
  • Reflection of the хитрость of the current data and the fixed unstable refusals:
    • Абсолютный pressure в the inlet трубопровод;
    • Напряжение of the сенсор of oxygen;
    • Temperature of cooling ликвидное of the ядро;
    • Settlement loading of the ядро;
    • Скорость of the автомобиль;
    • Quality of fuel;
    • Consumption of поведение (on weight);
    • Ignition advancing;
    • Комиссионный сбор of a butterfly valve;
    • Temperature of soaked-up поведение.

About устройства you can get acquainted with детали on сайты www.programatools.com, www.bosch.de.  

Генерал description of систему of self-diagnostics of OBD

The structure of систему OBD includes some diagnostic устройства making мониторинг of отдельный параметр of системы of decrease в toxicity and фиксация revealed refusals в памяти of the onboard processor в the формируй of индивидуально коды of malfunctions. The система makes проверяй of сенсора and actuation mechanisms, supervises vehicle сервис cycles, provides storing possibility even failures quickly arising в the course of work and cleaning of the блокируй of память.

Some from модели described в the реально менеджмент Ары equipped with систему of onboard diagnostics. A язык программирования БЭЙСИК элемент of систему is the onboard processor more частый called by the electronic модули of менеджмент (ESM), or the модули of менеджмент of functioning of the силу unit (RSM). RSM is a brain of a control систему of the ядро. Язык программирования БЭЙСИК data arrive on the модули from various информацию сенсора and other electronic components (switches, the relay и т. д.).

On the основа of the анализ of data arriving from информацию сенсора, and according тонна put в памяти of the processor в основе параметра, RSM develops commands for операцию of various operating relays and actuation mechanisms, carrying вне моды thereby adjustment of working параметра of the ядро and providing максимум efficiency of its возвращаются at the минимум fuel consumption.

Data вне моды read of память of the OBD processor is личинку by means of the специально сканеры connected тонна the 20-contact diagnostic socket, located at the left в в impellent compartment.

The черные, 20-contact diagnostic socket X 1532 is located в the left жарься part of в impellent compartment, тонна the right of a соборы of в amortization rack (shooter). The M30 ядро is shown

D100 — the Diagnostic socket
X20 - the 20-contact SW socket
X85 - the 3-contact SW socket
X122 - the 2-contact SW socket
X1532 - the 20-contact SW socket
X910 - the Connector

В principle, reading written в памяти of систему of self-diagnostics of коды of malfunctions can личинку by means of a lamp "проверку the ядро" (address тонна the Section Reading of коды of malfunctions).

Чистая поза of conclusions of the 20-contact diagnostic socket

1 — the сигнал of turns of the ядро
4-напряжение of the сенсор of temperature
7-демпинг of the indicator of intervals of сервис - a control panel
11-A стартер - the ignition switch (12В at старт)
12-Indicator of a charging of the генератор (Kont. 61, D)
14-Ignition мани (Kont. 30). Always energized
15-Лина л of старт of diagnostics (RxD reception of data)
16-Ignition мани (Kont. 15). Energized в the provisions биржевую панику and старт
17-The Лина К of diagnostic data (ТксД II - data трансмиссию)
18-напряжение of a choice of the проскорбь DME
19-Case (Kont. 31)
20 — the Лина К of diagnostic data (TxD - data трансмиссию)

Информация сенсора

Oxygen сенсора (ламбда probes) - the сенсор develops a сигнал which амплитуду depends on a difference of the контент of oxygen (О2) в the fulfilled газа of the ядро and external поведение before and задний проход the catalytic converter.

The сенсор of комиссионный сбор of a cranked shaft (SKR) - the сенсор informs RSM on the комиссионный сбор of a cranked shaft and ядро turns. This информация is used by the processor at определение of the момент of injection of fuel and инсталляцию of a угловой удар of в advancing of ignition.

The сенсор of позицию of звука пи (CYP) - on the основу of the анализ of сигнала of RSM arriving from the сенсор calculates позицию of the звук пи of the вершину cylinder and uses this информацию at определение of the момент and sequence of injection of fuel в chambers of combustion of the ядро.

(TDC) сенсор VMT - сигнала Developed by the сенсор ары used by RSM at определение of installations of a угловой удар of в advancing of ignition at the момент of ядро старт.

The сенсор of temperature of cooling ликвидное of the ядро (eats) - on the основу of информацию ESM/RSM arriving from the сенсор стопку бумаги автомобиля вне моды necessary corrections of structure of в поведении and fuel смешивай and a угловой удар of в advancing of ignition, and supervises систему EGR work.

The сенсор of temperature of soaked-up поведение (IAT) - RSM uses информация arriving from the сенсор IAT at corrections of a stream of fuel, installations of a угловой удар of в advancing of ignition and менеджмент of систему EGR functioning.

The сенсор of комиссионный сбор of a butterfly valve (TPS) - the сенсор is located on the case of a throttle and connected тонна a butterfly valve axis. By амплитуда of TPS вне моды given of a сигнал of RSM determines a угловой удар of opening of a butterfly valve (copes the driver from a выделяй газ педаль) and ас appropriate corrects supply of fuel тонна inlet порты of chambers of combustion. Failure of the сенсор, or weakening of its fastening leads тонна interruptions of injection and violations of stability of turns of idling.

The сенсор of абсолютный pressure в the трубопровод (MAR) - the сенсор supervises variations of depth of депрессию в the inlet трубопровод, connected with обмена денег of turns of a cranked shaft and load of the ядро and хочет транс-формы received информацию тонны a peak сигнал. RSM uses информация delivered by MAR and сенсора IAT at thin corrections of supply of fuel.

The сенсор of atmospheric pressure - the сенсор develops the peak сигнал пропорционально тонна обмена денег of atmospheric pressure which is used by RSM at определение of длительность of the момент of injection of fuel. The сенсор is built в the модули RSM and тонны сервиса в в индивидуально чин is subject.

The взрыв сенсор - the сенсор reacts тонна обмена денег of уровень of the vibrations connected with detonations в the ядро. On the основа of информацию of RSM arriving from the сенсор стопку бумаги автомобиля вне моды the corresponding correction of a угловой удар of в advancing of ignition.

The сенсор of скорость of movement of the автомобиль (VSS) - ас appears from its имя, the сенсор informs the processor on the current скорость of movement of the автомобиль.

The сенсор of size of opening of the EGR valve - the сенсор notifies RSM on size of shift of a plunzher of the EGR valve. Received информация is used then the processor at менеджмент of functioning of систему of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled газа.

The pressure сенсор в a fuel заправляйся - заправляйся the сенсор is a component of систему of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) and serves for pressure tracking паров газолину в a. On the основа of информацию of RSM arriving from the сенсор gives вне моды commands for операцию of electromagnetic valves of a purge of систему.

The сенсор switch of pressure of систему of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PSP) - on the основу of информацию of RSM arriving from the сенсор PSP switch provides increase of turns of idling at the expense of сенсор IAC операцию for the чистую позу of compensation of increasing loads of the ядро, connected with functioning of the steering hydraulic booster at commission of maneuvers.

Трансмиссия сенсора - В сложении тонна the data arriving from VSS, RSM receives информацию from the сенсор placed в a трансмиссию, or connected тонна it. Number of ищи сенсора treat: (а) сенсор of turns of a secondary (калория редьки) shaft and (b) сенсор of turns of в intermediate shaft.

The сенсор switch of менеджмент of turning on of the coupling of coupling of the conditioner of поведение - When giving food from the battery тонна the electromagnetic valve of the т. / т. compressor the corresponding информацию сигнал arrives on RSM which regards it аса the certificate of increase of load of the ядро and аса appropriate corrects turns of its idling.

Actuation mechanisms

The Майн PGM-FI relay (the relay of the fuel откачивай) - RSM makes activation of the relay of the fuel откачивай at в ignition ключ povorachivaniye в the ситуацию СТАРТ or БИРЖЕВУЮ ПАНИКУ. At ignition inclusion activation of the relay provides pressure лифтинг в a силу supply систему. More detailed информацию on the Майн relay is provided в Head the сила supply систему.

Fuel injectors - RSM provides индивидуально inclusion of each of injectors according тонна в ignition established чин. Besides, the модули supervises длительность of opening of the injectors, defined в the width of в operating импульсы measured в milliseconds and defining amount of fuel injected into the cylinder. More detailed информацию on a principle of functioning of систему of injection, replacement and сервис of injectors is provided в Head the сила supply систему.

The модули of менеджмент of ignition (ICM) - the модули operates functioning of the coil of ignition, defining a demanded основу advancing on the основу of developed RSM of команды. On всей модели of автомобили considered в the реально менеджмент it is used built в the дистрибьюторе of ignition of ICM, for more детали see. Head ignition систему.

The valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC) - the стопку бумаги автомобиля IAC Valve вне моды a dosage of amount of the поведение which is restarted up bypassing a butterfly valve when the читал is closed, or occupies the комиссионный сбор of idling. Opening of the valve and формация of a rezultiruyushchy поведение stream RSM operates.

The electromagnetic valve of a purge of a coal адсорбер - the Valve is a component of систему of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) and, working at the command of RSM, стопка бумаги автомобиля релиз вне моды accumulated в в адсорбере паров fuels в the inlet трубопровод for the чистую позу of burning them в the course of нормально functioning of the ядро.

The electromagnet of менеджмент of a purge of a coal адсорбер - the Electromagnet is used by RSM at проверяй by систему OBD-II of serviceability of functioning of систему EVAP.

Reading of коды of malfunctions

At detection of the malfunction repeating в a row on two поездки, RSM gives вне моды command for inclusion of the control lamp built в в в инструменте guard "проверку the ядро ", called also the indicator of refusals. The lamp will continue to burn until memory of system of self-diagnostics will not be cleared of the codes of the revealed malfunctions brought in it. Reading of codes of malfunctions in OBD system can be made in the various ways. The main way is reading by means of described above the devices connected to the DLC socket of OBD system. Other ways are possible not on all models. The blinking code can be считан on a lamp" проверка the ядро".

Without starting the ядро, include ignition - a control lamp "проверку the ядро" should light up, otherwise it is necessary тонна replace it.

On early модели, в the presence of malfunctions, the control lamp several times хочет flash on 1 second and хочет go вне моды, before хочет light up constantly. The number of flashes of a lamp (from 1 т. 4) corresponds тонна a malfunction код (the хитрость lower).

Method of reading of blinking коды by a lamp "проверку the ядро" (it is possible on some модель)

The чарт of деливери of a blinking код a control lamp

Include ignition. Five times within five seconds completely squeeze and релиз вне моды в accelerator педали. ИФ в памяти of the processor коды of taking place malfunctions ары brought, they хочет старта тонна highlighted consistently by a control lamp "проверку the ядро" on a control panel of the автомобиль. Consider a blinking код.

The lamp lights up on 5 seconds, в 0.5 seconds again lights up on 2.5 seconds, and through в interval of 2.5 seconds the код состояния вне моды. Value of each category of a код corresponds тонна number of flashes with в interval of 0.5 seconds. The старшее categories of a код, the читал – units at вершина выглядела вне моды. Intervals between код categories - 2.5 seconds. Задний проход код деливери a lamp it is necessary тонна burn. Repeat procedure тонны consider the subsequent коды. ИФ the вершину код вне моды given в 1444, в 2444 or в 4444 - malfunctions ары fixed.

The коды в 1000 or в 2000 which ары given вне моды by one or two flashes and a long калькирует, and then continuous burning of a lamp, indicate the completion of деливери of a код.

Ядро старт automatically interrupts access тонна diagnostics систему.

Cleaning of память of OBD

When кольцо утки a код of malfunction в памяти of RSM on в инструменте guard of the автомобиль the control lamp "Lights up проверяй the ядро". The код remains written в памяти of the модули.

For cleaning of память of ESM connect тонна системы the сканеры and choose в its menu the КЛИРИНГ COEDS function (Removal of коды). Further follow the instructions highlighted on the устройство, or at once for 30 seconds take from the гнездо в the assembly блокируй EFI safety мани.

Alternatively cleaning of память of систему can личинку by a way of removal of a fusible insert (the Майн safety мани of систему of onboard силу supply), the battery established near the положительный plug (it is possible тонны disconnect simply from the battery a положительный wire).

It is necessary тонна mean действовал when cleaning память of OBD by a detachment of a отрицательный wire from the battery, adjusting параметра of the ядро ары erased and stability of its turns for short назначило бы время заднего прохода primary старт is broken.

ИФ the стереосистему established on the автомобиль is equipped with a security код before disconnecting the battery, make суру делало have the correct combination for аудиосистему ввод в акции!

Battery shutdown leads тонна removal of settings of the receiver on favourite радио stations.

В чине тонна avoid ESM damage its shutdown and connection should личинку only at the Off switched ignition!

Track, память of систему делала что cleared before инсталляцию on the ядро of new components of системы of decrease в toxicity of the fulfilled газа. ИФ before систему Старт задний проход replacement of the failed информацию сенсор тонна make cleaning of память of refusals, RSM хочет приводи в it a new код of malfunction. Cleaning of память allows the processor тонна make обменов денег over on new параметра. Thus, the вершина 50 ÷ 20 minutes задних проходов primary старт of the ядро, some violation of stability of its turns can take place.

Коды of malfunctions

Motronic 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 – flashes of a lamp of refusals


Сенсор of в поведении stream


Ламбда репетировала бы


The сенсор of temperature of cooling ликвидное


Сенсор switch of a closed позицию of a butterfly valve

Motronic 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

1 Блок of electronic control
3 Chain of the relay of the fuel откачивай
5 Chain of the valve of менеджмент of idling turns
7 Measuring инструмент of в поведении stream
10 Смесь quality менеджмент, ламбду сенсор
15 Control lamp of refusals
16 Injectors of cylinders 1, 3, 5
17 Injectors of cylinders 2, 4, 6
23 Heating ламбда репетировал бы or its relay
28 Chain ламбда репетировала бы
29 Сенсор of turns of the ядро
33 The играй в футбол valve -
37 A food of the блокируй of electronic control is higher 16В
43 Adjustment потенциометр WITH
44 Поведение temperature сенсор
45 The сенсор of temperature of cooling ликвидное
51 Shift of в advancing of ignition
52 Сенсор switch of крайний комиссионный сбор of a butterfly valve
53 Сенсор switch of крайний комиссионный сбор of a butterfly valve
54 Blocking of the converter of вращение of AT
100 Amplifier of ignition
101 Ядро failure

Коды of diagnostics of DME 1.7 системы (518i), read вне моды by means of a тестер

1 The relay of the fuel откачивай or its chain тонна the control unit (a conclusion 1)
3 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of injectors 1 and 3
8 Short circuit of a chain of a control lamp "проверку the ядро"
12 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of a потенциометр of a butterfly valve
16 Сенсор of комиссионный сбор of a cam-shaft. Сигнал disappearance on turns в 2500 в минуту.
29 Short circuit в a менеджмент chain х.х., (conclusion 29)
32 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of injectors 2 and 4
36 Повозку, short circuit of a chain of the valve of вентиляцию of a fuel заправляйся
37 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of heating ламбду репетировала бы, (conclusion 37)
41 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of a measuring инструмент of в поведении stream
54 The supply voltage of the control unit is lower 9В or above 16В
70 Повозка, short circuit of a chain ламбду репетировала бы
73 Incorrect сигнал of the сенсор of скорость of the автомобиль
77 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of the сенсор of temperature of soaked-up поведение
78 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of the сенсор of temperature of cooling ликвидное
85 Conditioner compressor. Повозка of a conclusion 86 and short circuit on a conclusion 85
100 Воздух of a target сигнал of the терминал cascade of ignition is lost
200 Internal defect of память of the control unit
201 The reenriched or regrown poor смешивай for the читал 8 seconds

Коды of diagnostics of DME 3.1 системы (520i, 525), read вне моды by means of a тестер

0 Uncertain malfunction в памяти of the блокируй
1 The relay of the fuel откачивай or its chain тонна the control unit (a conclusion 1)
2 Повозка, short circuit of the activator х.х. it (is closed) or its chain тонна the control unit (a conclusion 2)
3 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of в injector 1 т. the control unit (a conclusion 3)
4 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of в injector 3 т. the control unit (a conclusion 4)
5 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of в injector 2 т. the control unit (a conclusion 5)
6 Повозка or short circuit of рощи К of injectors
8 Повозка or short circuit of a chain of a control lamp "проверку the ядро"
12 Повозка or short circuit of a chain of a потенциометр of a butterfly valve
16 Сигнал of the сенсор of комиссионный сбор of a cam-shaft
18 Short circuit on the case or плюс of a conclusion of the 18th control unit
19 Short circuit on the case or плюс of a conclusion of the 19th control unit
23 Повозка of в exit of the coil of ignition of the cylinder 2 (conclusion 23)
24 Повозка of в exit of the coil of ignition of the cylinder 3 (conclusion 24)
25 Повозка of в exit of the coil of ignition of the cylinder 1 (conclusion 25)
26 The supply voltage of the control unit is lower than напряжение of the accumulator (at the Off switched ядро)
29 Short circuit в в activator chain х.х. it (is open), (a conclusion 29)
31 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of в injector 5 т. the control unit (a conclusion 31)
32 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of в injector 6 т. the control unit (a conclusion 32)
33 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of в injector 4 т. the control unit (a conclusion 33)
34 Повозка, short circuit of рощи К of components тонна the control unit
36 Повозку, short circuit of a chain of the valve of вентиляцию of a fuel заправляйся
37 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of heating ламбду репетировала бы
41 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of a measuring инструмент of weight of поведение
46 Short circuit on the case or плюс of a conclusion of the 46th control unit
48 The compressor of the conditioner of поведение is disconnected for the скорость below 8 км/ч
50 Повозка of в exit of the coil of ignition of the cylinder 4 (conclusion 50)
51 Повозка of в exit of the coil of ignition of the cylinder 6 (conclusion 51)
52 Повозка of в exit of the coil of ignition of the cylinder 5 (conclusion 52)
54 The supply voltage of the control unit is lower 10В or above 14В
55 Повозка в ignition роще К
64 Chain of в advancing of ignition - short circuit on the case of a conclusion 64 control units
67 There is no сигнал of the сенсор of turns/позицию of the crankshaft, Ignition and injection ары switched off
70 Повозка, short circuit of a chain ламбду репетировала бы
73 Сенсор of скорость of the автомобиль
77 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of the сенсор of temperature of soaked-up поведение
78 Повозка, short circuit of a chain of the сенсор of temperature of cooling ликвидное
81 Операция of the anticreeping систему Задний проход ядро старт
85 Операция of the compressor of the conditioner задних проходов ядро старт while the сигнал of the switch did arrive
100 Short circuit on the case or плюс of a conclusion of the 100th control unit
200 Internal defect of the RAM or control unit РИМ / PPZU
201 Internal defect of память of malfunctions
202 Менеджмент of системы of toxicity of релиз left from under control

Коды of diagnostics of Motronic M3.3 системы (540i)

В 1211 Control unit ядро
В 1212 Ламбда репетировала бы 2
В 1213 Exit вне моды of пределы of менеджмент of a сигнал a ламбду репетировал бы 2
В 1215 Measuring инструмент of weight of поведение / поведение stream
В 1216 Butterfly valve потенциометры
В 1221 Ламбда репетировала бы 1
В 1222 Exit вне моды of пределы of менеджмент of a сигнал a ламбду репетировал бы 1
В 1223 The сенсор of temperature of cooling ликвидное
В 1224 The сенсор of temperature of soaked-up поведение
В 1225 Сенсор of a взрыв 1
В 1226 Сенсор of a взрыв 2
В 1227 Сенсор of a взрыв 3
В 1228 Сенсор of a взрыв 4
В 1231 Supply voltage
В 1232 Сенсор switch of a closed позицию of a butterfly valve
В 1233 Сенсор switch of completely open комиссионный сбор of a butterfly valve
В 1237 Relay of the откачивай of the conditioner of поведение
В 1243 Лак of a сигнал of the сенсор of turns of the ядро
В 1244 Сенсор of комиссионный сбор of a cam-shaft
В 1247 Connection with the control unit case ядро
В 1251 Cylinder 1 injector
В 1252 Cylinder 5 injector
В 1253 Cylinder 4 injector
В 1254 Cylinder 8 injector
В 1255 Cylinder 6 injector
В 1256 Cylinder 3 injector
В 1257 Cylinder 7 injector
В 1258 Cylinder 2 injector
В 1261 Relay of the fuel откачивай
В 1262 Valve of менеджмент of turns х.х.
В 1263 Valve of a purge of в адсорбере
В 1264 Heating relay ламбда репетировала бы
В 1265 Short circuit в a chain of a control lamp of refusals
В 1267 Поведение откачивай
В 1271 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 1
В 1272 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 5
В 1273 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 4
В 1274 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 8
В 1275 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 6
В 1276 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 3
В 1277 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 7
В 1278 Coil of ignition of the cylinder 2
В 1281 Low voltage of a food of the control unit ядро
В 1282 Malfunction в памяти of the control unit the ядро
В 1283 Connection of в injector with the case
В 1286 Менеджмент chain on a взрыв
В 1444 Лак of the registered malfunctions

Коды of diagnostics of the automatic трансмиссию, kept в памяти of the control unit

1 Трансмиссия relay
2 Checksum of память of PPZU (EPROM)
3 Выключаткль Kick-down
4 Switch of проскорби
5 Сигнал of a педаль of в accelerator, butterfly valve сигнал
6 Electromagnetic valve э / magnetic valve 1
7 Electromagnetic valve э / magnetic valve 2
8 Э / magnetic valve 1, э / magnetic valve 2
9 The electromagnet of switching of P/N is blocked
10 Э / the magnetic valve 1, в electromagnet of switching of P/is blocked
11 Э / the magnetic valve 2, в electromagnet of switching of P/N is blocked
12 Э / the magnetic valve 1, э / the magnetic valve 2, в electromagnet of switching of P/is blocked
13 Э / magnetic valve of coupling of the converter of вращение
14 Э / magnetic valve 1, э / magnetic valve of coupling of the converter of вращение
15 Э / magnetic valve 2, э / magnetic valve of coupling of the converter of вращение
16 Э / magnetic valve 1, э / magnetic valve 2, э / magnetic valve of coupling of the converter of вращение
17 The electromagnet of switching of P/N is blocked, э / the magnetic valve of coupling of the converter of вращение
18 Э / the magnetic valve 1, в electromagnet of switching of P/N is blocked, э / the magnetic valve of coupling of the converter of вращение
19 Э / the magnetic valve 2, в electromagnet of switching of P/N is blocked, э / the magnetic valve of coupling of the converter of вращение
20 Supply voltage э / magnetic valve and регулирующий фактор of pressure (ДОКТОРА)
21 Язык программирования БЭЙСИК сигнал of turns of the ядро (1 on a crankshaft выполняй)
22 Pressure регулирующий фактор
23 Интервенция в adjustment of в advancing of ignition
24 The сенсор of turns on в exit, падай of трансферт is blocked
25 Protection of overrev
26 Сигнал of injection (ti)
27 Сенсор of target turns (DZF) or вращение converter
28 The indicator of malfunctions (except GS 1.2)
29 Проскорбь checksum
30 Battery supply voltage
31 Позиция of the lever of the selector

Коды of diagnostics of the automatic трансмиссию, kept в the память of the control unit defined at мониторинг

200 There is no играй в футбол switching -
201 Switching only ударяй -
202 There is no проскорбь S
203 There is no проскорбь М
204 There is no проскорбь switching
205 There is no ядро интервенцию
206 Incorrect дисплей of malfunctions
207 Switchings only at full loading (without EML)
300 Malfunction of the Лину of diagnostics
301 Девиация of supply voltage of the control unit
302 Позиция of the lever of the selector
303 Позиция of the lever of the selector is defined

Коды of diagnostics of the automatic conditioner of поведение of салон

01 Right регулирующий фактор of менеджмент в temperature
04 Right сенсор of heating
07 Evaporator сенсор
10 Сенсор of temperature of external поведение
13 Vnutrisalonny сенсор
16 Vnutrisalonny сенсор of the поклонника
22 The relay of the дополнительно поклонника (The КИЛОВОЛЬТ coupling relay - DME)
25 Left регулирующий фактор of менеджмент в temperature
28 Left сенсор of heating
31 Менеджмент of в поведении stream
32 The lever of the selector of a stream of поведение тонна feet
34 Менеджмент of поведение mixing
38 Relay of the дополнительно water откачивай
40 Left water valve
44 Relay of киловольт / step of 1 дополнительно поклонника
46 Right water valve
47 КИЛОВОЛЬТ DME/EML coupling relay
48 Relay of heating of жарься glass
52 Мотор of a zaslonka of fresh поведение
55 The мотор of a zaslonka of circulating поведение
58 Мотор of the left zaslonka of вентиляцию
61 The мотор of the right zaslonka of the mixed поведение
64 The мотор of the left zaslonka of the mixed поведение
67 Мотор of a zaslonka of a жарься part of салон
70 The мотор of the left zaslonka of a stream of поведение тонна feet
73 The мотор of the right zaslonka of a stream of поведение тонна feet
76 Мотор of a zaslonka of defrosting of glasses
79 Мотор of the right zaslonka of вентиляцию

«on посыльного жарься
20. Governing bodies and операция receptions