Симптом |
Possible reason |
Leakages of ATF
ATF usually has dark red color. It is necessary тонна confuse traces of its leaks тонна those from impellent oil - the читал can communicate on a case of трансмиссию by a running stream of поведение. |
For identification of a source of leak вершину of всех it is necessary тонна clear a case of трансмиссию and surfaces surrounding it of dirt and greasing - use a качественный obezzhirivatel or execute steam cleaning of the unit. Make on the автомобиль a short поездку with low скорость of movement (действовал traces of leak did communicate far from its source). Тонна Poddomkratta the автомобиль establish it on props. Экс-амины a трансмиссию case, visually revealing sources of leakage of ATF. Плодовый сок частого аса those act: |
a) The pallet of a case of трансмиссию (see. Heads навык maintenance of the автомобиль and Automatic трансмиссия (AT)); |
b) A тюбик of a jellied mouth of ATF (see. Head Automatic трансмиссия (AT); |
c) Tubes of connection of трансмиссию with a более классно of ATF and their не иона (see. Head Automatic трансмиссия (AT)); |
d) The speedometer сенсор (see. Head Automatic трансмиссия (AT)). |
ATF gains brown color or smells аса ashes
ATF burned slightly and needs replacement. The probability of internal defects of трансмиссию (is excluded see. Heads навык maintenance of the автомобиль and Automatic трансмиссия (AT)). |
There is no automatic switching of трансмиссию on a low gear (Kick-Down мода) at complete squeezing of a педаль of выделяй газ
Adjustment of a driving cable of inclusion of the Kick-Down мода (is broken see. Head Automatic трансмиссия (AT)). |
Common проблемы with a choice of трансферта take place
В Head Automatic проверяй трансмиссию (AT) procedures of and adjustment of draft of gear shifting of ары AT described. Плодовый сок common проблемы which can appear connected with violation of adjustment of draft below ары listed: |
a) The ядро is started в ситуации, distinct from "R" or "N";
b) The комиссионный сбор of трансмиссию highlighted on the дисплей panel differs from the actually дела;
с) The автомобиль is actuated at the трансмиссию established в the ситуацию "R"; Procedure of adjustment of draft of switching is described в Head Automatic трансмиссия (AT).
Трансмиссия "comes off" the дела ситуацию, is switched hardly or with noise, or дремли provide автомобиль прогресс нападающего or жарься
There is a комплект of the possible reasons of the listed refusals, however one of them gets тонна the sphere of competence of the морскую аварию любителя mechanic - violation of уровень of ATF only. Проверка, в case of need make having added / ликвидное replacement (see. Head навык maintenance of the автомобиль). Во всех other cases the автомобиль should driven away for diagnostics and регенеративную трансмиссию repairs/replacements в a автомобиль care центр мастер-класс |