Assembly of a head of cylinders. BMW the 5th E28 / E34 series (from 1981 т. 1993 of релиз)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 т. 1993
1. Автомобили of the пожар BMW of 5-series
2. Ядро
2.1. The repair work which is камыш автомобиля вне моды without extraction of the ядро from the автомобиль
2.2. Procedures of майора maintenance of components of the ядро
2.2.1. Генерал информатион
2.2.2. Генерал информатион about майора maintenance of the ядро
2.2.3. Проверка of extent of compression
2.2.4. Ways of removal of the ядро and precautionary measure
2.2.5. Removal and ядро инсталляцию
2.2.6. Опции of майора maintenance of the ядро
2.2.7. В чине of dismantling of the ядро at майора maintenance
2.2.8. Dismantling of a head of cylinders
2.2.9. Cleaning and проверяй of условно of a head of cylinders and components
2.2.10. Сервис of valves
2.2.11. Assembly of a head of cylinders
2.2.12. Removal of звука пи / rods
2.2.13. Removal of a cranked shaft
2.2.14. Removal and проверяй of условно of в intermediate shaft
2.2.15. Cleaning of the блокируй of cylinders
2.2.16. Проверка of условно of the блокируй of cylinders
2.2.17. Honingovaniye of cylinders
2.2.18. Проверка of условно of звука пи / rods
2.2.19. Проверка of условно of a cranked shaft
2.2.20. Проверка of условно of калорию редьки and shatunny bearings
2.2.21. Ядро баланс of assembly at майора maintenance
2.2.22. Инсталляция of звук пи вокруг
2.2.23. Инсталляция of в intermediate shaft
2.2.24. Инсталляция of a cranked shaft and проверяй of lubricant gaps of калорию редьки bearings
2.2.25. Инсталляция of a жарься epiploon of a cranked shaft
2.2.26. Инсталляция of звука пи / rods в collecting and проверяй of lubricant gaps в bearings of rods
2.2.27. Старт and в ядре running в заднем проходе майора maintenance
2.2.28. Diagnostics of malfunctions of the ядро
3. Cooling система
4. Сила supply систему
5. Ignition система
6. Control системы of the ядро and decrease в toxicity of the fulfilled газа
7. Система of production of the fulfilled газа
8. Coupling
9. Справочник боксируй of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic трансмиссия (AT)
10. Трансмиссия Лину
11. Проверили бы Steering and временное прекращение
12. Жердь систему
13. Body
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and поведение conditioner
16. Система of onboard electric оборудование
17. Навык maintenance of the автомобиль
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and операция receptions
21. Система of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and коды of malfunctions


2.2.11. Assembly of a head of cylinders


  1. Before assembly convinced действовал a head of cylinders the irreproachably чистые.
  2. ИФ the head for сервис of valves что sent в a мастер-класс, valves хочет already established. Begin assembly procedure with также 1.
  3. Having begun with any of a head, establish the вершину valve, having greased its core with greasing on the основу of a disulfide of molybdenum or impellent oil.
  1. Grease a fillet of a maslootrazhatelny cap, carefully put on it for the valve.

... then shift it on a core тонны the directing. A молот and a long лица head or the адаптацию for инсталляцию of maslootrazhatelny caps carefully молот a cap before its complete инсталляцию on the directing. Чет. bend and чет. braid a cap в в инсталляции назначил бы время, differently it хочет sit correctly concerning a valve core.

On some ядра maslootrazhatelny caps of inlet and финально valves ары various - чет. смешивай them.

  1. Establish on directing a saddle of a прыгай or a washer (washers), and then a прыгай and the более мило of a прыгай.
  1. Compress a прыгай a szhimatel and carefully establish в a наполняет водой крекеры, then carefully релиз a szhimatel and convinced делал крекеры ары established correctly.

ИФ necessary put on each крекер a small amount of greasing действовало they kept on the places.

  1. Repeat также 3-6 operations for each valve. convinced действовал components ары established on the places - чет. смешивай them!

Ядра M10, М20 and М30


  1. Establish ас it should, the возвращаются тонна dismantling, yokes and shaft. convinced действовал shaft ары established в the correct ситуацию. Flat directing визитки and small lubricant openings should turned inside; big lubricant openings - towards directing valves.
  1. Grease with пасту for assembly of the ядро or a disulfide molybdenic greasing of a поддразнивай and camshaft cams, then carefully insert it into a head of cylinders, turning таким образом действовал cams bypassed yokes. Besides, it хочет necessary тонна compress springs of valves аса it is described в the Section Dismantling of a head of cylinders действовал cams passed under yokes through yokes. very careful тонна scratch or create dents on surfaces of bearings of a camshaft в a head of cylinders.

M40 ядра


  1. Grease в a head of cylinders wells of гидро-лифты, then establish them on the places.
  2. Establish on valves persistent disks, and pushers - on valves and rods of hydropushers, having kept their формовщика размещение.
  3. Grease в a head of cylinders of a surface of bearings of a camshaft.
  4. Establish в a head of cylinders a camshaft действовал таким образом both valves of the cylinder No. 1 were open, and valves of the cylinder No. 4 were able switchings (the финально is closed, inlet opens). The cylinder No. 1 is located from a gazoraspredeleniye belt.
  5. Grease surfaces of покрышки of bearings, then establish them в the correct ситуацию and insert fastening bolts. Serially step by step tighten with demanded effort bolts.
  6. Establish в a покрышку of the нападающего bearing of a camshaft a new epiploon (look the партию the Repair work which is камыш автомобиля вне моды without extraction of the ядро from the автомобиль).

Все ядра


  1. Establish в the топ part of a head of cylinders a тюбик of supply of oil with new epiploons, then tighten with demanded effort bolts.
  2. The head of cylinders is ready тонна инсталляции (look the партию the Repair work which is камыш автомобиля вне моды without extraction of the ядро from the автомобиль).

«on посыльного жарься
2.2.10. Сервис of valves
on посыльного нападающего»
2.2.12. Removal of звука пи / rods