4.5. Repair and replacement of fuel lines and connectors
Fuel is extremely inflammable, therefore at work with any part of fuel system accept additional precautionary measures. Do not smoke and do not allow emergence near a working zone of open fire or lamps without plafonds. Also do not work in garage with the equipment at natural gas with a match. At any work with fuel system use goggles and keep in readiness the fire extinguisher. At fuel hit on skin, immediately wash away it water and soap. |
Before starting service of fuel lines surely disconnect a negative wire from the battery and (on models with fuel injection) dump pressure in a power supply system (see. The section pressure Removal in system of injection of fuel).
Lines of giving and fuel return, and also branch of fuel evaporations pass from a fuel tank to an impellent compartment of the car. Lines fasten to the car bottom clamps and screw assemblies. From time to time lines should be checked on existence of dents, twisting and other defects. Do not forget to pay also attention to a condition of short sections of the hoses inserted into the trunk fuel main - they are the most probable source of leaks (see an illustration). |
At detection of signs of hit of dirt in a power supply system or in the fuel filter it is necessary to disconnect and blow fuel lines. On models with injection of fuel check also a condition of the mesh filter on the submersible fuel pump.
As fuel lines on models with fuel injection constantly are under a high pressure, special demands are made to them. At replacement of rigid tubes use only firm tubes of BMW. At all do not establish plastic or copper sections - these materials are not capable to maintain the loadings connected with high pressures.