Check of operation of the water pump. BMW the 5th E28/E34 series (from 1981 to 1993 of release)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 to 1993
1. Cars of the BMW brand of 5-series
2. Engine
3. Cooling system
3.1. General information
3.2. General information on antifreeze
3.3. Check of work and thermostat replacement
3.4. Removal and radiator installation
3.5. Work check, removal and installation of the fan of cooling of the engine and coupling of its drive
3.6. Check of operation of the water pump
3.7. Removal and installation of the water pump
3.8. Check of work and replacement of the sensor of a measuring instrument of temperature of a cooler
3.9. Diagnostics of malfunctions of system of cooling
4. Power supply system
5. Ignition system
6. Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
7. System of production of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. Manual box of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic transmission (AT)
10. Transmission line
11. Steering and suspension bracket
12. Brake system
13. Body
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and air conditioner
16. System of onboard electric equipment
17. Routine maintenance of the car
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and operation receptions
21. System of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions

Пастеризационная установка трубчатые установки.


3.6. Check of operation of the water pump

Failure of the water pump can serve as the reason of serious damages of the engine as a result of its overheat.

There are two ways of check of operation of the water pump without its removal from the engine. If as a result of one of them the pump is found faulty, it is necessary to replace it with the new.

Water pumps are usually equipped with ventilating openings. In case of violation of tightness of an epiploon of the pump from this opening liquid will start to exude. In most cases, to find this opening from the bottom party of the pump for identification of signs of leak, you should use a small lamp.

To malfunction of bearings of the water pump usually points a scratch in a forward part of the engine during its work. A sign of wear of a shaft of the pump is pulley palpation up and down (at the removed driving belt). Do not mix a scratch published by the sliping driving belt, with a scratch being the sign of wear of bearings of the pump. Wear of bearings of the generator too can will serve as the reason of a creaking sound, but after removal of driving belts it is rather easy to define a difference.

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3.5. Work check, removal and installation of the fan of cooling of the engine and coupling of its drive
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3.7. Removal and installation of the water pump