11.3.2. Removal and installation of assembly of the back shock-absorber and twisted spring Removal
Though shock-absorbers not always wear out at the same time, surely replace the left and right shock-absorbers in pair to prevent violation of controllability and change of a normal course of the car. |
- Release bolts of fastening of wheels, then block forward wheels. To Poddomkratta the car and reliably establish it on axial support. Remove wheels.
- Give the bottom bolt of fastening of the shock-absorber.
- On earlier models unbend a covering in a luggage compartment so to provide access to the top fixing nuts. On later models for this purpose at first remove a pillow of a back seat (see. Head the Body), then give two bolts of fastening of a back of a back seat and remove a back. Prop up the longitudinal lever a jack and give the top nuts of fastening.
- Lower a jack and remove the shock-absorber and laying. To separate the shock-absorber from a spring, address to the Section rack or shock-absorber Replacement / a twisted spring.
- Installation make upside-down. Do not forget to establish laying between the top end of the shock-absorber and a body. Tighten the top nuts with demanded effort. Do not tighten the bottom bolt, yet do not lower the car on the earth.
- Lower the car, and having established it at normal working height, tighten the bottom bolt with demanded effort.