Dismantling of a head of cylinders. BMW the 5th E28 / E34 series (from 1981 т. 1993 of релиз)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 т. 1993
1. Автомобили of the пожар BMW of 5-series
2. Ядро
2.1. The repair work which is камыш автомобиля вне моды without extraction of the ядро from the автомобиль
2.2. Procedures of майора maintenance of components of the ядро
2.2.1. Генерал информатион
2.2.2. Генерал информатион about майора maintenance of the ядро
2.2.3. Проверка of extent of compression
2.2.4. Ways of removal of the ядро and precautionary measure
2.2.5. Removal and ядро инсталляцию
2.2.6. Опции of майора maintenance of the ядро
2.2.7. В чине of dismantling of the ядро at майора maintenance
2.2.8. Dismantling of a head of cylinders
2.2.9. Cleaning and проверяй of условно of a head of cylinders and components
2.2.10. Сервис of valves
2.2.11. Assembly of a head of cylinders
2.2.12. Removal of звука пи / rods
2.2.13. Removal of a cranked shaft
2.2.14. Removal and проверяй of условно of в intermediate shaft
2.2.15. Cleaning of the блокируй of cylinders
2.2.16. Проверка of условно of the блокируй of cylinders
2.2.17. Honingovaniye of cylinders
2.2.18. Проверка of условно of звука пи / rods
2.2.19. Проверка of условно of a cranked shaft
2.2.20. Проверка of условно of калорию редьки and shatunny bearings
2.2.21. Ядро баланс of assembly at майора maintenance
2.2.22. Инсталляция of звук пи вокруг
2.2.23. Инсталляция of в intermediate shaft
2.2.24. Инсталляция of a cranked shaft and проверяй of lubricant gaps of калорию редьки bearings
2.2.25. Инсталляция of a жарься epiploon of a cranked shaft
2.2.26. Инсталляция of звука пи / rods в collecting and проверяй of lubricant gaps в bearings of rods
2.2.27. Старт and в ядре running в заднем проходе майора maintenance
2.2.28. Diagnostics of malfunctions of the ядро
3. Cooling система
4. Сила supply систему
5. Ignition система
6. Control системы of the ядро and decrease в toxicity of the fulfilled газа
7. Система of production of the fulfilled газа
8. Coupling
9. Справочник боксируй of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic трансмиссия (AT)
10. Трансмиссия Лину
11. Проверили бы Steering and временное прекращение
12. Жердь систему
13. Body
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and поведение conditioner
16. Система of onboard electric оборудование
17. Навык maintenance of the автомобиль
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and операция receptions
21. Система of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and коды of malfunctions


2.2.8. Dismantling of a head of cylinders


  1. Remove a head of cylinders (look the партию the Repair work which is камыш автомобиля вне моды without extraction of the ядро from the автомобиль).
  2. Remove в the топ part of a head of cylinders в oil тюбике. convinced действовал you remembered the комиссионный сбор of всех laying and washers for assembly.

It is важно тонна replace epiploons under bolts of fastening of a тюбик.

Ядра M10, М20 and М30


  1. Adjust все valves on the максимум gap, rotating the клоуна on the klapanny вечеринку of a yoke towards the head центр (ИФ necessary address тонна Head навык maintenance of the автомобиль).
  2. Before removal of a persistent plate measure на одной оси люфт a camshaft, having established the tsiferblatny indicator on the нападающего вечеринку of a head of cylinders, and щуп having arranged on a camshaft. Move a camshaft в a cylinder head нападающего - выпекай. The indicator indication хочет на одной оси lyufty.
  3. Compare indications тонна the values given в the Size table and adjusting data at the of the менеджмент.
  1. Unscrew bolts and remove a persistent plate of a camshaft.

There ары two various provisions of a persistent plate. On ядра M10 and М30 it is fixed в a нападающего part of a head of cylinders тонна a flange of a cogwheel of a gazoraspredeleniye. On ядра M20 and М40 the persistent plate is located в a head near shaft of yokes в a нападающего part of a head of cylinders.

  1. Remove from a жарься surface of a head of cylinders a покрышку - at removal of a покрышку remember в размещении of всех laying, washers and epiploons.
  1. Remove from yokes мани клипсы.

There ары some types of клипсы. Wire клипсы ары established from both вечеринки of a yoke; the прыгай клипс is established on a yoke and покрышка it on the one hand.

  1. Before removal of shaft of yokes measure радиальное gaps of yokes, using the tsiferblatny indicator, and compare results тонна the values given в the Size table and adjusting data at the of the менеджмент. Занимайся гимнастикой в both вечеринках a yoke on a shaft without its sliding along a shaft. Full scope on the of a yoke turned тонна a camshaft, хочет a радиальное gap. ИФ a gap too big, действовал is necessary тонна replace the plug of a yoke or a shaft of yokes, or and another.
  1. Remove в a нападающего part of a head of cylinders мани rubber or carving caps, depending on application. В a нападающего part of each shaft of yokes there is a cap.

ИФ on the ядро в a нападающего part of shaft of yokes the личинку caps ары established, for their removal посылай a head of cylinders в a mechanical мастер-класс тонна avoid damage of a head of cylinders or shaft of yokes.

  1. Rotate a camshaft before ситуацию at which the possible majority of yokes хочет франко (хочет compress the corresponding springs of valves).
  2. For other yokes which remained compressing springs of valves, BMW for прессинг of yokes on springs suggests тонна use the специально средство в the формируй of a fork (thereby having removed effort of a прыгай from a camshaft cam). ИФ this средство is inaccessible, insert into gaps over ekstsentrikovy регулирующего фактора from the klapanny вечеринку of yokes стандарт screw-drivers. By means of screw-drivers выжимай yokes on springs of valves and мило them at camshaft extraction в ищи ситуацию (look the following параграф). This операция хочет need, at берет напрокат, one assistant аса it is usually necessary тонна compress three or four springs of valves. ИФ the assistant is inaccessible, it is possible тонны try тонна постоянно a strong wire screw-drivers which compress springs of valves, on a board.

convinced действовал the wire is reliably fixed on a board and on screw-drivers, differently screw-drivers can jump вне моды of a head of cylinders and injure.

  1. When все yokes left contact with camshaft cams, slowly and carefully take from a нападающего part of a head of cylinders a camshaft.
  2. At extraction it can demanded тонна занимайся гимнастикой a camshaft.

very careful, делал at extraction тонну scratch a поддразнивай of bearings of a camshaft.

  1. Задний проход camshaft removal carefully remove shaft of yokes. On модели without carving openings from the нападающего вечеринку of shaft take shaft through the выпекай вечеринку of a head of cylinders, having applied a молот and a core from a strong tree which should have диаметры a little less, than a shaft of yokes.
  1. For shaft of yokes with carving openings from the нападающего вечеринку for extraction of a shaft wrap a sliding молот.
  1. Задний проход removal from a head of cylinders of всех shaft of yokes remove one behind another yokes.
  2. Put each yoke в the marked package действовал at assembly they were established on формовщика places. At removal of shaft of yokes remember their ситуацию. Directing flat визитки and small maslovodny openings ары directed inside; big maslovodny openings ары turned towards directing valves. Итак Марк shaft of yokes делал it что possible тонны establish them в a head of cylinders в формовщике ситуацию.

M40 ядра

Кип a head of cylinders в vertical ситуации, все hydropushers хочет removed yet. ИФ it тонна execute, oil from hydropushers can flow вне моды and they become disabled.


  1. Проверка, что делало покрышки of bearings of a camshaft were numbered or their ситуацию marked.
  1. Therefore занимайся гимнастикой on and remove bolts of fastening of покрышки of bearings of a camshaft.

... then remove покрышки of a camshaft of the M40 ядро

  1. Лифт a camshaft from топ of a head of cylinders and remove from the turned тонна a gear wheel of a драйв of the газ distributing mechanism, в epiploon.
  1. Prepare a боксируй with the офис filled with impellent oil, for placement of hydropushers таким образом делал тонну кипа them according тонна their размещение. Итак prepare one more боксируй for pushers.
  1. Remove pushers...

... and persistent disks.

... then take from wells в a head of cylinders hydropushers.

Все ядра


  1. Before removal of valves organize marking and their storage, together with the related components действовал таким образом they could stored separately and would again established в the семя directing.
  1. Compress a szhimatel of a прыгай of the вершину valve and remove крекеры. Carefully релиз a szhimatel of a прыгай of the valve and remove the более мило, a прыгай and a прыгай saddle (ИФ it is applied).
  1. Take from a valve head, then remove with directing a maslootrazhatelny cap.
  2. Repeat операция for other valves. Чет. forget тонна шторы всей партии of one valve together действовал they were again established on формовщика places.
  3. When valves and the related components ары removed and laid в a demanded чин, the head of cylinders should cleared and examined carefully. ИФ complete майора maintenance is личинку, before cleaning and survey of a head финиш ядро dismantling.
  4. ИФ the valve gets штукатурку в the directing (is taken), insert it жарься into a head and a small файл or в abrasive stone remove в a зона under agnail крекеры хлынула бы.

«on посыльного жарься
2.2.7. В чине of dismantling of the ядро at майора maintenance
on посыльного нападающего»
2.2.9. Cleaning and проверяй of условно of a head of cylinders and components