Cleaning and проверяй of условно of a head of cylinders and components. BMW the 5th E28 / E34 series (from 1981 т. 1993 of релиз)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 т. 1993
1. Автомобили of the пожар BMW of 5-series
2. Ядро
2.1. The repair work which is камыш автомобиля вне моды without extraction of the ядро from the автомобиль
2.2. Procedures of майора maintenance of components of the ядро
2.2.1. Генерал информатион
2.2.2. Генерал информатион about майора maintenance of the ядро
2.2.3. Проверка of extent of compression
2.2.4. Ways of removal of the ядро and precautionary measure
2.2.5. Removal and ядро инсталляцию
2.2.6. Опции of майора maintenance of the ядро
2.2.7. В чине of dismantling of the ядро at майора maintenance
2.2.8. Dismantling of a head of cylinders
2.2.9. Cleaning and проверяй of условно of a head of cylinders and components
2.2.10. Сервис of valves
2.2.11. Assembly of a head of cylinders
2.2.12. Removal of звука пи / rods
2.2.13. Removal of a cranked shaft
2.2.14. Removal and проверяй of условно of в intermediate shaft
2.2.15. Cleaning of the блокируй of cylinders
2.2.16. Проверка of условно of the блокируй of cylinders
2.2.17. Honingovaniye of cylinders
2.2.18. Проверка of условно of звука пи / rods
2.2.19. Проверка of условно of a cranked shaft
2.2.20. Проверка of условно of калорию редьки and shatunny bearings
2.2.21. Ядро баланс of assembly at майора maintenance
2.2.22. Инсталляция of звук пи вокруг
2.2.23. Инсталляция of в intermediate shaft
2.2.24. Инсталляция of a cranked shaft and проверяй of lubricant gaps of калорию редьки bearings
2.2.25. Инсталляция of a жарься epiploon of a cranked shaft
2.2.26. Инсталляция of звука пи / rods в collecting and проверяй of lubricant gaps в bearings of rods
2.2.27. Старт and в ядре running в заднем проходе майора maintenance
2.2.28. Diagnostics of malfunctions of the ядро
3. Cooling система
4. Сила supply систему
5. Ignition система
6. Control системы of the ядро and decrease в toxicity of the fulfilled газа
7. Система of production of the fulfilled газа
8. Coupling
9. Справочник боксируй of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic трансмиссия (AT)
10. Трансмиссия Лину
11. Проверили бы Steering and временное прекращение
12. Жердь систему
13. Body
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and поведение conditioner
16. Система of onboard electric оборудование
17. Навык maintenance of the автомобиль
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and операция receptions
21. Система of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and коды of malfunctions


2.2.9. Cleaning and проверяй of условно of a head of cylinders and components

Careful cleaning of a head (heads) of cylinders and the related components of the valve with the subsequent detailed проверяй of условно хочет allow тонна define, what amount of works with valves should executed at майора maintenance of the ядро.

ИФ the ядро что tested by a strong overheat, a head of cylinders, probably, is bent (look также 4).



  1. Remove with a scraper from condensed surfaces of a head of cylinders, the inlet трубопровод and a финально collector всех remains of old laying and a sealing составное. Observe специально care тонна damage a head of cylinders. В магазинах of машину партии it is possible тонны get специально solvents for removal of laying.
  2. Remove from cooling каналы everything sedimentation.
  3. Жестко brush чистое various openings тонна remove sedimentation which could appear в them.
  4. For removal of corrosion and carving hermetic which can present at carving openings, чистое them неуклюже шагай of the corresponding size. ИФ the compressed поведение is available, задний проход this операцию clear with its help of в opening of garbage.

When using the compressed поведение apply goggles.

  1. Clear состоятельно a head of cylinders and carefully терпкое. The compressed поведение хочет accelerate процесса of drying and хочет provide purity of openings and deepenings.

There ары chemical means for removal of a deposit and they can appear very useful when cleaning heads of cylinders and components of knots of valves. However, тезис means very агрессивный and them should applied with care. Follow instructions on their packings.

  1. Clear состоятельно shaft yokes/yokes/pushers, springs, springs of valves, holders and крекеры, and then carefully терпкое them. Нужда тонна смешивай components of valves, clear valves занимайся гимнастикой в.

Чет. clear M40 ядро hydropushers; leave them completely shipped в oil.

  1. Remove a scraper from valves everything sedimentation, and then with в electric brush remove from heads and cores of valves a deposit. Again track, действовал components of valves were mixed.

Condition проверяй

Before making decision on need of works of a mechanical мастер-класс convinced делал всех specified проверки of условно ары executed. Make the хитрость of проверки.

Head of cylinders


  1. Carefully экс-амины a head about мастеров спорта, traces of leakage of a более классно and other damages. At detection of мастеров спорта address for consultation в a mechanical мастер-класс. ИФ repair is невозможные, it is necessary тонна get a new head of cylinders.
  1. By means of a measuring инструмент of planeness and щупов проверяй existence of a curvature by condensed laying of a surface of a head. ИФ curvature exceeds the limit given в the Size table and adjusting data at the of the менеджмент, it is possible for grinding в a mechanical мастер-класс provided действовало the thickness of a head хочет appear less admissible.
  1. Экс-амины saddles of valves of each chamber of combustion. ИФ they have considerable dents, мастера спорта or прогары, the head хочет demand the сервис which is falling outside the пределы possibilities of a house мастер-класс.
  1. Проверка a gap between a core of the valve and directing, having measured by the tsiferblatny indicator a латеральное девиацию of a core. The valve should в directing and at height about 2 мм over a saddle. A full девиацию of a core of the valve, measured by the indicator, it is necessary тонна divide into two тонна receive the valid value of a gap. ИФ задний проход делало there ары doubts concerning условно of directing valves, they should checked в a mechanical мастер-класс (the price of this сервис is минимум).



  1. Attentively проверяй a surface of each valve в search of форму non wear, деформация, мастера спорта, dents and obgoraniye zones. Хоти проверяй a valve core about в istiraniye, and a core поддразнивай - on existence of мастеров спорта. Povrashchayte the valve проверяй existence of в appreciable curvature. Проверка existence on the of a core of dents and excessive wear. Existence of any of тезис defects indicates need of сервис of valves аса сервис of valves is described в the Section.
1 — the valve
2 — the Наполнение водой under крекеров
3 — the Core (the worn плодовый сок вне моды part)
4 — the Core (the worn плодовый сок вне моды part)
5 — a valve Facet
6 — the Eminence
  1. Measure size of в eminence of each valve. The valve with smaller, than is required, в eminence, is subject тонна replacement

Components of valves


  1. Проверка wear on the ends of всех springs. Before deciding тонна use springs в the restored ядро, it is necessary тонна проверяй their rigidity (for this проверяй посылай springs в a mechanical мастер-класс) by means of the специально адаптацию.
  1. Establish each прыгай on в equal surface and проверяй their vertical позицию. ИФ any of springs is bent or warped or, probably, has the broken round, replace springs.
  1. Проверка holders of springs and крекеры on existence of obvious wear tracks and мастера спорта. It is necessary тонна replace any suspicious детали, otherwise, ИФ they fail at операцию of the ядро, there хочет considerable damages.

Yokes (ядра M10, М20 and М30)

Yokes of финально valves ары плодового сока subject тонна wear and they should checked with специально care.


  1. Проверка yokes about excessive wear on the ends which contact тонна a core of the valve and a camshaft.
  1. Проверка a радиальное gap (look the Section Dismantling of a head of cylinders). ИФ it is too great, either the yoke plug, or a shaft (or both) ары вне моды worn. For the определение, what элемент is more вне моды worn, shift on some distance a yoke on a shaft and again measure a радиальное gap. ИФ the gap corresponds now тонна requirements, действовало, possibly, the shaft is the плодовый сок вне моды worn component. ИФ the gap дремли correspond тонна requirements, plugs of yokes ары subject тонна replacement.

Shaft of yokes (ядра M10, М20 and М30)

Проверка shaft on existence задиров, excessive wear and other damages. Surfaces of contact of yokes with shaft should smooth. ИФ on border of contact of a yoke with shaft there is a ledge, a shaft, probably, is вне моды worn.

Hydropushers (M40 ядро)


  1. Проверка wear existence, задиров and dents on pushers where they contact with the ends of cores of valves and пальца. ИФ there is a considerable wear of pushers and a camshaft, it is necessary тонна get a new camshaft together with pushers.
  2. Similarly проверяй hydropushers where they contact тонна wells в a head of cylinders, on wear existence, задиров and dents. Sometimes hydropushers create noise at work and replacement demand, and it becomes appreciable at операцию of the ядро. Тонна находи internal damage or wear of a hydropusher when it is removed, quite difficult; в case of doubts, it is necessary тонна establish a комплект of new hydropushers.



  1. Проверка camshaft necks (round surfaces of sliding) and cams on existence задиров, dents, чипы and excessive wear. Measure by a micrometer height of each inlet and финально cam. Compare height of всех inlet and финально cams. ИФ results of measurements on всех inlet or финально cams differ more, than on 0.08 мм or ИФ on a camshaft any signs of wear ары found, replace a camshaft.
  2. Проверка условно of surfaces of bearings of sliding в a head of cylinders on existence задиров and other damages. ИФ surfaces of bearings have teases or ары damaged, usually make replacement of a head of cylinders аса bearings ары the processed surfaces в a head of cylinders.

Mechanical мастер-класс (в particular, specializing on BMW) or офис of the дилеров can offer альтернативных тонн replacement of a head of cylinders опцию ИФ the unique проблему Ары insignificant scratches of surfaces of bearings of a camshaft.

  1. Measure by a micrometer of a поддразнивай of a camshaft and write results of measurements.
  1. By telescopic measuring инструмент or micrometer - a nutromer measure в a head of cylinders диаметра of bearings of a camshaft (on the M40 ядро previously establish покрышки of bearings). For receiving size of a lubricant gap from the size of a поддразнивай of a camshaft subtract internal диаметр of the corresponding bearing. Compare a lubricant gap тонна the value given в the Size table and adjusting data at the of the менеджмент. ИФ it дремли correspond, the new head of cylinders and / or a new camshaft is required.

Before инсталляция of a new head of cylinders проверяй формовщика в a mechanical мастер-класс (especially, в specializing on BMW). Probably they can restore it.

«on посыльного жарься
2.2.8. Dismantling of a head of cylinders
on посыльного нападающего»
2.2.10. Сервис of valves