General information. BMW the 5th E28/E34 series (from 1981 to 1993 of release)
Repair of BMW E28 and series E34 from 1981 to 1993
1. Cars of the BMW brand of 5-series
2. Engine
3. Cooling system
4. Power supply system
5. Ignition system
6. Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
7. System of production of the fulfilled gases
8. Coupling
9. Manual box of gear shifting (RKPP) and automatic transmission (AT)
10. Transmission line
11. Steering and suspension bracket
12. Brake system
13. Body
13.1. Removal and front grille installation
13.2. Removal, installation and cowl adjustment
13.3. Removal and installation of bumpers
13.4. Removal and installation of the panel of an internal covering of doors
13.5. Removal, installation and door adjustment
13.6. Removal, installation and adjustment of a trunk lid / door of a back
13.7. Removal, installation and adjustment of a latch, cylinder of the lock and door handles
13.8. Removal and installation of glass of a door
13.9. Removal and installation of a window regulator of a door
13.10. Removal and installation of an external mirror
13.11. Removal and installation of casings of a steering column
13.12. Removal and installation of seats
13.13. Check of seat belts
13.14. Care of the car and coloring
13.14.1. General information
13.14.2. Care of a body and frame
13.14.3. Care of an internal covering
13.14.4. Care of an internal upholstery and rugs
13.14.5. Repair of insignificant damages of a body
13.14.6. Repair of considerable damages of a body
13.14.7. Care of loops and locks
13.14.8. Replacement of motionless glasses
14. Control body sizes
15. Heater and air conditioner
16. System of onboard electric equipment
17. Routine maintenance of the car
18. Size table and adjusting data
19. Schematic electric circuits
20. Governing bodies and operation receptions
21. System of onboard diagnostics - a principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions

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13.14.1. General information

General information

For all described models the steel welded design of a body where components of the bottom and a body are welded among themselves and attached to separate, forward and back assemblies of a stretcher is characteristic. Certain components of a body are especially subject to damages at failure, they can be removed and repaired, or to replace. Body moldings, bumpers, a cover of a cowl, a door, a door of a back and all glasses belong to such details.

Only the general recommendations are included in this Chapter on the care of a body and procedures of restoration of panels the bodies being in competence of the house mechanic.

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13.14. Care of the car and coloring
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13.14.2. Care of a body and frame