2.1. The repair work which is carried out without extraction of the engine from the car The repair work which is carried out without extraction of the engine from the car
General information
Four - and six-cylinder engines with one camshaft of the top arrangement, described in this Management, are very similar on a design. Where between them there are distinctions, them will be specified.
Means by means of which camshafts of the top arrangement are actuated, differ depending on engine type; on engines M10 and М30 the distributive chain while on engines M20 and М40 the distributive belt is established is used.
Many serious repair work can be executed, without taking the engine from the car.
Before the beginning of any work make cleaning of an impellent compartment and external surfaces of the engine with application of any obezzhirivatel. It will essentially simplify performance of the forthcoming procedures and will reduce risk of entering of dirt in the engine.
Depending on components with which you are going to work, for ensuring the best access to the engine during repair there can be useful a cowl removal (if necessary see. Head Body). In order to avoid damage of the painted surfaces cover car wings special covers, or if they are not present, blankets or covers will approach.
If because of found leakages of oil, the vacuum, the fulfilled gases or a cooler there will be a need of replacement of laying or epiploons, repair can be generally made without engine extraction from the car. Thus there is a sufficient access to laying of the inlet pipeline and a final collector, the case pallet, to epiploons of a cranked shaft and a head of cylinders.
With the engine established on the car for repair such external components, as the inlet pipeline and a final collector, the case pallet, oil and water pumps, a starter, the generator, the distributor and components of fuel system freely can be removed.
Removal of a head of cylinders does not demand engine extraction. Maintenance of a camshaft, yokes and other components of the klapanny mechanism is most easier for making at the removed head of cylinders; these procedures are described in appropriate section. However pay attention that on the M40 engine the cam-shaft can be removed without engine extraction as it is kept by covers of bearings.
In emergency situations, such as, in the absence of the necessary equipment, without extraction of the engine can be performed and such works, as repair or replacement of piston rings, pistons, rods and bearings of the bottom heads of rods. However this practice is not recommended, since the big preparatory work and careful cleaning of all involved components should precede it.