11.1.4. Survey, removal and installation of a steering drive Survey
- To Poddomkratta the car and reliably establish it on axial support.
- Strong grasp each of forward wheels from above and from below, then in front and behind, and check, is not present or люфта in a steering drive, having shaken a wheel forward-back. In hinges of a drive should not be люфта, it is allowed only very small. Examine a steering soshka, the pendular lever, average steering draft, internal steering drafts, tips of drafts and rotary levers on existence of damages. Try to dissolve details of a steering drive in the parties from each other. Between them should not be any люфта. If any details погнуты or are damaged, or if hinges are worn-out, replace these details.
- Before dismantling of a steering drive get the suitable tool for removal of spherical hinges. The stripper with two captures or the wedge-shaped tool (though this tool can damage protective covers of hinges) will approach. Sometimes it is possible to take the pointed finger of the hinge from a nest, striking on a reverse side of a nest consecutive with two big hammers, but for this purpose not always there is enough place, and besides the finger often gets stuck in a nest because of a rust and dirt. Thus as there is a danger to damage a component.
- To remove external steering drafts, disconnect tips of steering drafts from rotary levers (see. Section Removal and installation of tips of steering drafts). Give a nut of fastening of the hinge on an internal tip of each of external steering bent for to average steering draft. By means of the tool for removal of spherical hinges disconnect external steering drafts from average draft. If you replace the hinge on one of the ends of external steering drafts, put with label paint on a carving that at assembly to establish them in the same situation.
- To remove average steering draft, give nuts of fastening of hinges of average bent for to a steering soshka and the pendular lever, and by means of the tool for removal of spherical hinges disconnect hinges from both levers.
- To remove a steering soshka, you should remove at first the steering mechanism (see. Section Removal and installation of the steering mechanism). Look for labels of combination of a shaft with a soshka. If those are not present, put them on the lower parts of both details. Give a coupling bolt and a nut of a steering soshka, then by means of a stripper remove a soshka.
- To remove the pendular lever, at first remove the small cover attached by bolts to the top part of a cross-section beam of a stretcher. Establish a wrench on a bolt and give a nut drowned in the lower part of a cross-section beam. Check, whether the rubber plug of the pendular lever is worn-out. If it is worn-out or damaged, replace it.
- Check each hinge, whether is not present too big люфта, whether it jams at work, and also whether the dustproof rubber cover is damaged it. Replace all damaged or worn-out hinges. It is possible to replace internal and external tips of external steering drafts separately; if any hinge of average the helmsman of draft is damaged or worn-out, it is necessary to replace all average draft.
Installation make upside-down, remembering the following:
- Combine labels on a steering soshka and to a shaft of the steering mechanism at assembly.
- If you replace internal and external tips of external steering drafts, establish them so that earlier put labels were combined, and make sure that they equal length from both parties.
- Establish fingers of hinges of tips of steering drafts on external drafts at an angle 90 ° to each other.
- Make sure that after installation of length of the right and left external steering drafts are equal.
- Tighten all fixing bolts with demanded effort.
- On termination of assembly of a steering drive check corners of installation of forward wheels and if necessary adjust them.