2.2.10. Service of valves
- Check a condition of valves as it is described in the Section Cleaning and check of a condition of a head of cylinders and (item 2 and 1) components. Replace all valves having wear tracks or damages.
- If valves at this stage of check seem satisfactory, by a micrometer measure in several points diameter of a core of the valve. Any appreciable difference in indications of a measuring instrument testifies to wear of a core of the valve. If any of these conditions takes place, it is necessary to replace the valve (valves).
- If satisfactory, them it is necessary to grind in a condition of valves in the corresponding saddles to provide tightness. If the saddle has insignificant dents or it already was exposed to boring, they should be ground in thin polishing paste. Usually large polishing paste do not use, if only the saddle has no strong прогаров or deep dents. In that case the head of cylinders and valves should be checked by the expert to make the decision on boring of a saddle or even on valve or saddle replacement.
- Grinding in of valves is made as follows. Overturn a head and establish on a workbench, having enclosed from both parties tree whetstones to provide a gap with cores of valves.
- Put on a facet of a saddle of the valve a small amount of polishing paste of the corresponding granularity and attach to a valve head a sucker of the polishing tool. Grind in a valve head to a saddle returnable rotary motions, periodically for redistribution of polishing paste raising the valve. Be not overzealous.
If under a head of the valve to establish not a hard spring, operation on grinding in will be considerably facilitated. |
- If large polishing paste is used, it is necessary to make grinding in until on a saddle and the valve not will equal opaque surfaces are reached, then it is necessary to remove paste and to repeat process with thin polishing paste. Operation on grinding in will be complete, when on the valve and a saddle smooth light gray opaque surfaces without gaps will be received. Do not grind in valves more than it is necessary.
- After grinding in of all valves before assembly of a head of cylinders carefully wash away all traces of pritirochny paste, using for this purpose kerosene or suitable solvent.