2.2.19. Check of a condition of a cranked shaft
- With scraper, file or abrasive stone remove from lubricant openings of a cranked shaft all agnails.
- Wash out a cranked shaft solvent and drain the compressed air (if it is available). Do not forget to clean a rigid brush channels of oil pipelines and to wash out them solvent.
- Check necks of radical bearings and bearings of rods on existence of non-uniform wear, furrows, dents and cracks.
- Carry out on each neck several times a copper coin. If on a neck there are copper traces, it too rough and it it is necessary to grind.
- Check other parts of a cranked shaft on existence of cracks and other damages. If necessary charge survey of a cranked shaft of a mechanical workshop.
- By micrometer measure diameters of necks of radical and shatunny bearings and compare results of measurements to requirements of the Size table and adjusting data at the end of the Management. Having measured in several points, it is possible to define what ovality have necks. To define size of a konusnost of necks, measure diameters of necks at their edges, near cheeks of cranks.
- If necks of a cranked shaft are injured, have a konusnost, ovality or are worn-out over the limits specified in Tabliye of the sizes and adjusting data at the end of the Management, send a cranked shaft for polishing in a mechanical workshop. Be convinced that after polishing of a cranked shaft loose leaves of the correct size are applied.
- Check on the ends of a cranked shaft condensed by epiploons, on existence of damages and wear. If the epiploon developed a flute or if it has jags or scratches in a thorn, after engine assembly the new epiploon can proceed. In certain cases in a mechanical workshop can repair a thorn, напрессовав on it the thin plug. If repair is impossible, it is necessary to establish other or new cranked shaft.
- Check a condition of loose leaves of radical and shatunny bearings (look the Section Check of a condition of radical and shatunny bearings).