2.2.13. Removal of a cranked shaft
The cranked shaft can be removed only after removal of the engine from the car. It is supposed that the flywheel or a driving disk, a damper of krutilny fluctuations, a chain or a gazoraspredeleniye belt, the pallet, the oil pump and pistons/rods are assembled already removed. Before removal of a cranked shaft it is necessary to unscrew bolts and to remove the case of a back epiploon. |
- Before removal of a cranked shaft check axial люфт. Establish the tsiferblatny indicator so that its rod was parallel to a cranked shaft and concerned its end face or one of crank covers.
- Shift a cranked shaft back against the stop and null the indicator. Then shift a cranked shaft against the stop forward and take readings of the indicator. Axial люфт makes that distance on which the cranked shaft moved. If it exceeds maximum axial люфт, given in the Size table and adjusting data at the end of the Management, check wear of persistent surfaces of a cranked shaft. If wear is not found, new radical bearings will correct a situation.
- If the tsiferblatny indicator is inaccessible, it is possible to use щупы. Find the radical bearing with flanges from one of the parties which is called as the "persistent" radical bearing (look the Section Installation of a cranked shaft and check of lubricant gaps of radical bearings, item 2). Accurately pick up or shift a cranked shaft forward against the stop. For definition of a gap insert between cranked shaft and a forward surface of the persistent radical bearing щупы.
- Check existence of markings of an arrangement on covers of radical bearings. They should be consistently numbered from a forward part of the engine to the back. If is not present, mark them in figures with the help чеканов or a center punch. Covers of radical bearings the cast shooters pointing to a front of the engine usually have. Moving from edge of the engine to the center weaken step by step on a turn quarter bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings that they could be turned on a hand. If hairpins are applied, at installation of a cranked shaft provide their subsequent installation on former places.
- Slightly strike on a cover with a hammer with an elastic head, then separate them from the block of cylinders. If necessary for office of covers use bolts as levers. Try not to drop loose leaves of bearings if they are removed together with covers.
- Carefully take from the engine a cranked shaft, having lifted it up. It can appear expedient to invite the assistant, as a cranked shaft rather heavy. Having established loose leaves of bearings in the block of cylinders and a cover of radical bearings, return covers on their corresponding places on the block and a hand tighten bolts.