17.34. Check of functioning of system of catching паров gasoline (EVAP)Each 38 000 km of run or time in two years
The EVAP system carries out removal function паров fuels from a fuel tank and fuel system, their concentration in a coal adsorber and burning then during normal operation of the engine. Usually this system is established only on the cars equipped with catalytic converters.
The most characteristic sign of malfunction in catching system паров fuels is a strong smell of gasoline in an impellent compartment. If you felt such smell, examine a coal adsorber and hoses (shooter) of system on existence of cracks. The adsorber on the majority of models is located in a forward corner of an impellent compartment. |
For fuller information on catching system паров fuels address to Head of the Control system of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases.