16.4. Check of a condition and replacement of wires of the battery Check
Periodically examine on all length each wire of the battery in search of damage, cracks or an isolation and corrosion obgoraniye. The bad condition of tips of wires can cause difficulties at start of the engine and deterioration of its work.
Check on the ends of wires tips of accession of wires to battery plugs on existence of the cracks which have weakened a provolok and corrosion. Existence under isolation of a tip of a wire of white friable substance is a sign of corrosion and it is necessary either to clear a wire, or to replace. Check plugs on lack of a curvature, serviceability of fixing bolts and absence of corrosion.
At a detachment of wires always the first disconnect a negative wire and attach his last. It reduces risk of casual short circuit. Even, if only the positive wire is replaced, do not forget to disconnect the first from the battery a negative wire (behind further data on removal of wires of the battery look Head Routine maintenance of the car).
- Disconnect from the battery old wires, then take away them in different directions and disconnect from the traction relay of a starter and the case. Remember laying of each wire correctly to establish subsequently.
- If former wires demand replacement, take them with itself in shop. Is vital to replace wires with the identical. Wires have the signs, allowing they are easy for distinguishing: the positive wire of usually red color, bigger cross-section section also has a tip of bigger diameter; the negative wire of usually black color, smaller section also have a tip for the plug of a little smaller diameter.
- Clear carvings of plugs of the traction relay and the case of a rust and corrosion by a wire brush.
For corrosion prevention in the future put on carvings of plugs a thin layer of inhibitor of corrosion for the battery or technical vaseline. |
- Attach wires to plugs of the traction relay and the case and hardly tighten a nut / bolt.
- Before accession to the battery of a new wire be convinced that the wire without a tension gets to the plug.
- Attach the first a positive wire, then - negative.